Zarla Small Business Community
  • This real life medical website was designed using Zarla’s A.I website builder.

    • Business name: Orbis Health
      Industry: Healthcare
      Prompt: Orbis Health Solutions is a privately-held biotechnology company developing transformative medicines that target the body’s immune system and ignite its natural ability to repair and restore health.

    How do I create a medical website using A.I?

    • Step 1: Visit and enter in your business name. If you don’t yet have a business name, visit and generate one. You’ll be able to check available domain names at the same time.

    • Step 2. Choose the industry your business belongs in. This helps A.I write relevant content, design your brand and build the rest of the website.

    • Step 3. Enter in the prompt above, but change it to match your business description and any other information you can give.

    • Step 4. Use the built in editor to make changes to your website including your contact info, generating a new logo if you need to, adding additional content and images. Once you’re happy with the website, hit the Publish Free button to publish your website live for free.

    Improving your medical website

    Once the website has been built, you can now go in, make changes and also improve the overall look and feel of the website. We suggest the following

    1. Image Gallery - An image gallery helps showcase your business to the world and improves trust and credibility

    2. Contact information - Its important to build trust and allow your website visitors to contact you. Having a contact form, phone number and address go a long way to improving your website credibility and often improve your search rankings as search engline like that added information.

    Frequently asked questions

    • How was this medical website generated?
      Using’s A.I website builder using the above business name, industry and prompt. You can copy the prompt and adjust it to match your business.

    • How was the mobile version made?
      The mobile version of this webite was automatically created at the same time as the desktop version.

    • Can the website be edited?
      Yes, using the built in editor, you can make changes at any time

    • How much does it cost to create and publish a medical website like this one?
      It’s free to create, edit and publish a website like this. You’ll get a custom domain such as You can also upgrade to a paid plan to customize and use your own domain.

    • How do list my medical website on Google?
      Follow this guide to create a Google business listing which will then get your website ranking on Google within a week or two.

    • How do I get started?
      Create your medical website using A.I for free using Zarla

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