Zarla Small Business Community
  • One of Zarla’s most-popular website sections got a HUGE update this week, with 4 brand new layouts to help you build trust and convert visitors — and all you have to do is showcase a few of your existing Google business reviews!

    You can now:

    • Choose from multiple layouts to match your brand.

    • Add reviewers' images next to their 5-star feedback.

    • Edit reviews for length, so you can focus on the highlights.

    • And add multiple review sections across your site to maximize social proof.

    Give it a try at — as always, your Zarla website is free to generate, edit, AND publish so you can go live today and start seeing results immediately.

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  • Jonathan Craucamp


    Did you just duplicate my website and different platforms with the same name?

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Jonathan Craucamp


    Did you just duplicate my website and different platforms with the same name?

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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